

Tom Mcmillan, aka Tomtom, started tattooing in a street shop on Auckland notorious Karangahape Road in 2004, and has worked in some of the best studios in New Zealand and around the world over the past 20 years. For the last 10 years, after travelling to Japan regularly to study the art form, he has tried to focus solely on his own style of Japanese Tattoo Art. Since then, he has established himself as one of the countries best known tattoo artists, and has become a widely respected expert in Japanese Tattooing. Tom tries to bring a deep sense of respect and care to the traditional art form, and is constantly studying and researching to ensure the best possible results for his craft and his clients. Tom is the owner and operator of the beautiful , busy and vibrant tattoo studio, Sunset Tattoo, which is located in the heart of Auckland City. Tom is also the creator of the world famous, ultra high quality Lotus Needle brand, and owns New Zealand based tattoo supply company, Tattoo Station.